2022 BCLA Asia In Taipei In Conjunction With Myopia Update Symposium In Taiwan

各位先進與同仁: 近視病已經帶來嚴重的併發症後果,疫情時期學童視力更趨惡化,因此,近視病防治刻不容緩,需要眼科醫師全體關注與參與。台灣近視病新知研討會將由高雄長庚紀念醫院眼科部近視防治中心與英國隱形眼鏡協會(BCLA)於8月13-14日假台北張榮發基金會國際會議中心擴大舉辦,主題為”Myopia Control, Must do it “ !

延續先前MUSIT 的議程安排,今年更特別增加二個重點課程。第一 ,與全球性的國際近視機構International Myopia Institute (IMI)合作分享近視白皮書中的”近視臨床管理方式”並特別邀請四位專家針對目前現有四種近視控制方式做案例討論及現場觀眾投票表達意見,預計有精彩應答。第二,特別與出版Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 期刊(SCI)的英國隱形眼鏡協會(BCLA)合作,針對用隱形眼鏡控制近視做深度討論。

今年不僅有多位國內醫師與專家的參與,邀請的國際近視大師包括休士頓洪立方、德布勒森Noemi Szell、溫州周翔天、上海陳志,香港Pauline Cho、伯明翰James Wolffsohn 、坎培拉Ian Morgan ,舊金山Maria Liu(劉悅),舊金山Meng C Lin (林孟青),雪梨 Padmaja Sankaridurg 等。




Prof. Ian Morgan

Prof. Ian Morgan

Research School of Biology, Australian National University

Visiting Fellow

Presentation Title
Risk factors for myopia and new directions in myopic prevention and control

Recent work on risk factors for myopia has established that there are two major environmental exposures driving the current epidemic of myopia. Exposure to the educational pressures inherent in the life of a school child is a causal risk factor, whereas increased time spent outdoors acts to prevent the development of myopia. Many other factors have been proposed, but none are well-established, and it needs to be established if they act independently of these two major factors. How strong these exposures are depend on social/political as well as individual/family decisions. There are promising reports of effective use of increased time outdoors to decrease the prevalence of myopia. Recent changes to the education system in mainland China, with decreased study pressures in the preschool and early primary school years and the development of full-service schooling provide significant opportunities for increased time outdoors. This, combined with effective methods of slowing the progression of myopia, such as low dose atropine, and contact and spectacle lenses that impose myopic defocus, should enable the epidemic of myopia to be brought under control over the next few years.

